48: PSA: Don't be Messy with Important Documents
Welcome to episode 48 of Permission to be Messy. I'm your host, JoAnn Krall and I want to wish you a very happy new year. 2024. My hope is for all of us in the world. A better year. I had a really challenging 2023. Of course, when you put everything in perspective, I can't complain.
So what thought I would talk about today is important documents. This podcast is all about permission to be messy, do things the way you want to do them. But I really believe that your important documents should be at the top of your list for organization. You need to have them in a safe place. There are some documents that you don't need to access all the time and those can be in a safe deposit box at your bank.
But there are other documents that you may need to access more readily. Your birth certificate, your passport, your social security number. All of those types of things that you would need to access. It's essential to make sure that they're all in one place.
And really, I say even more importantly, that they're in a fireproof safe and if your area is prone to flooding, you want to make sure that whatever you have is flood proof as well. You can get a small firebox for many of these items. if you have a lot of documents like wills and trusts and things like that, you may want to get a, big file box fire or a filing cabinet. Anything that is going to keep it safe.
So I'm going to keep this one super short this week, because I want to get back on track, get working and bring you those important guests that I've talked about. People who talk about anxiety and ADHD and OCD and all the different struggles that people have.
Probably some business owners too. So with that said, I want you to think about your important documents, but also. to think about tax time. You're going to start getting in tax forms this month. Designate a place to gather all of that information together so that it is all at your hands and ready.
So everything that comes in the mail or email, have it go into one folder, file binder, whatever it is and keep it all in one place. And hopefully if you are a business owner, you've been keeping your books organized and you're not waiting till the last minute to do those. If you are that's okay.
We still have months and months in the U S here for tax time. So as always, please reach out to me. My contact information is in the show notes. If you have any specific topics that you'd like me to cover about organization, and also if you have anything that you want me to expand on from the past year. And I'm wishing you much progress, peace, purpose and of course the permission to be messy, except with your important documents, make sure that those are kept safe. Thanks for listening.