JoAnn Krall: [00:00:00] Welcome to episode one of permission to be messy. My name is JoAnn Krall. I am the Sensible Organizer and I am your host. This first episode is about how this podcast came to be. Why I named it permission to be messy, and what you can expect going forward.
I have been wanting to do a podcast for years. What has held me back? Perfectionism. As a Professional Organizer, I teach people to let go of perfectionism yet here I was not doing a podcast because I couldn't let go of my own perfectionism. I'm doing things a little bit differently. You'll notice that there's no fancy intro.
There may be one at some point, but I'm just getting started. Just like I tell people when they're getting organized.
So this podcast is going to be a little bit different than, a typical podcast about getting organized and decluttering. Of course, I'll have some of those tips along the way, but I'm really going to get to the meat of why we're disorganized, how we can let go of perfectionism, and be organized enough.
I'm going to talk about topics about ADHD, OCD, which isn't what you think when it comes to organizing. I'm going to talk about things that happen in life that turn us to be disorganized, whether it's, birth of babies, death of loved ones, losing a job, getting a new job, moving.
There's so many reasons that we can be disorganized. And my message to you is there's no shame in it. And you don't have to achieve that perfection. So I'm basically giving everybody permission to be messy. These first few episodes are going to be strictly me and it could be that for the near future. My intent is to bring in other experts, whether they be professional organizers, mental health experts. people that are experts in ADHD, because I do not claim to be one.
You'll notice that I've intentionally kept episodes shorter.
I believe that we have so much information coming our way. And that was another reason why it was held back to do this. Just adding another podcast.
But I realized that I have a message to share. So I hope that you'll follow me along this journey. And if you have any topics that you'd like for me to cover.
You can head to my website,, and head to the contact page and you can choose any way there to contact me and let me know what you'd like me to talk about. And, I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks for listening.